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announcing: NEW SERIES! LIVE google+ hangout tutorial sessions! =D
Using Hangouts On Air for Education
Building an Audience on YouTube and Google+ Hangout
EduOnAir: Derrick Waddell, "Google Apps For School Administrators" Google+ Hangout
Building Google+ Hangout Apps
SHOW-AND-TELL Google+ LIVE Hangout! Wednesday night at 7:30pm ET 1/27/2016 (video)
SHOW-AND-TELL Google+ LIVE Hangout! Wednesday night at 7:30pm ET 7/29/15 (video)
Social Media Certification Event - Google+ Hangout Training
How To Create Professional Google Hangout Sessions
Introduction to the New Google Plus from Google I/O 2013 - Vic Gundotra speaker
EduOnAir: Allison Mollica, "Project Portfolios" Google+ Hangout
SHOW-AND-TELL Google+ LIVE Hangout! Wednesday night at 7:30pm ET 12/30/15 (video)